In honor of my 30th birthday in no particular order (other than the first one) are 30 things in 30 years that impacted my life :)
1. Being born in Colorado - the mountains will always have a piece of my heart.

2. Moving to Tallahassee - my home.
3. Meeting Melissa 20 years ago!

4. Graduating from Leon - where I was a 3rd generation graduate.
5. Graduating from FSU - where I was a 4th generation graduate.
6. Bought a house.
7. Learned to drive from my Dad.
8. My first car...1984 Jeep Wagoneer 5 speed.
9. Getting married...the first time.
10. Getting divorced at 25 :(
11. Moving out of my parents home.
12. Senior Prom - visiting my Dad in the hospital.
13. Getting my first full time job.
14. My Dad's death.
15. Meeting Nelson :)
16. Haylee's birth - 1st kid that made me want to be a Mom :)

17. Getting married to Nelson.

18. Reconnecting with Mandy.

19. Remembering how much I love photography.
20. Starting my own business.

21. Becoming the Mom of four all at once.

22. Every time the kids say I love you...Mom.
23. Buying our first car...that we're still paying for :)
24. The first time I realized what happiness is.
25. Our first Christmas at the beach - bitter sweet.

26. The day Xehn came into my life.
27. Watching Zoe's birth <3 with Kellie.

28. Becoming friends with my Mom.
29. The love of my family.
30. Finding the love I thought only existed in movies :)