1. Being born in Colorado - the mountains will always have a piece of my heart.
2. Moving to Tallahassee - my home.
3. Meeting Melissa 20 years ago!

4. Graduating from Leon - where I was a 3rd generation graduate.
5. Graduating from FSU - where I was a 4th generation graduate.
6. Bought a house.
7. Learned to drive from my Dad.
8. My first car...1984 Jeep Wagoneer 5 speed.
9. Getting married...the first time.
10. Getting divorced at 25 :(
11. Moving out of my parents home.
12. Senior Prom - visiting my Dad in the hospital.
13. Getting my first full time job.
14. My Dad's death.
15. Meeting Nelson :)
16. Haylee's birth - 1st kid that made me want to be a Mom :)
17. Getting married to Nelson.

18. Reconnecting with Mandy.

19. Remembering how much I love photography.
20. Starting my own business.

21. Becoming the Mom of four all at once.

22. Every time the kids say I love you...Mom.
23. Buying our first car...that we're still paying for :)
24. The first time I realized what happiness is.
25. Our first Christmas at the beach - bitter sweet.

26. The day Xehn came into my life.
27. Watching Zoe's birth <3 with Kellie.
28. Becoming friends with my Mom.
29. The love of my family.
30. Finding the love I thought only existed in movies :)

1 comment:
Reading this and your earlier post about turning 30 has literally brought tears to my eyes. Since my little sister brought you home the first time all those years ago, I have been lucky enough to share in so many of the experiences you mention, good and bad. I am so proud of the woman you've become, the way you've overcome the tough things in life and learned to appreciate so life's little treasures. You are an incredible person, an amazing friend, an unbelievably talented artist. And I couldn't love you more if you were my own flesh and blood. Instead, you're the little sister I got to choose. Thanks for all you do and all you are, and thanks for letting me be a part of it! Happy Birthday!
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